How to check SASSA 350 Status

You can check SASSA R350 Grant status online on If your SASSA R350status check has been approved then you will see the month period (e.g. June) and then the word “Approved”. This “approved” status means that the grant application has successfully passed the verification process for that specific month and you will be paid. To see when the grant will be paid, you can check the pay date field.

If your SASSA Grant has Declined or Canceled it means it has not been approved.

There are many different reasons for which an application will be declined. You are welcome to appeal the SASSA Decision.

Please take your time and go through the reconsideration information carefully and choose the appropriate or corresponding reasons for the appeal.

SASSA R350 Contact Details

Please send an email to SASSA via the following email addresses:

SASS Toll-Free number 0800601011

SASSA Head Office: 012 400 2322